In a recent study, researchers have discovered that men are as likely to experience discrimination while job hunting or shopping as women. The researchers focused on men due to the majority of research focusing on women; the aim was then to provide an insight into the lives of obese men in both a work setting […]
Category Archives: Surgery related
Men Also Discriminated For Being Obese
Love Life Spiced Up After Weight Loss Surgery
The success of Surgery Depends On Patients’ Support Network According to a recent study published in the Obesity Surgery journal which looked at patients success after surgery and titled “Following Bariatric Surgery: An Exploration of the Couples’ Experience” they discovered that the surgery can lead to greater intimacy between couples. The study by Mary Lisa […]
Changes in Depression Post Gastric Banding: A Possible Cure?
Chase away the blues with gastric banding, a cure? In the past, the long-term effects and consequences of depression that weight loss surgery has, has been unclear. In particular, there was no evidence of how gastric banding would impact on patients’ suffering from depression and insecurity. However, all of this has been changed by a […]
Cancer Linked To Obesity
Dangers of Obesity and its link to Cancer For the purpose of reading this article, overweight is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) between 25 to 29.9 and obesity is defined as having a BMI of 30 or over. A staggering new report released in the United Kingdom calls on the Government of […]
Rising Threat of Type 2 Diabetes in Children
Obese Toddler Diagnosed With Lifestyle Related Diabetes It is shocking to hear in the media today that our children, the future generation are at threat of developing what was considered a midlife disease in type 2 diabetes. An obese toddler from the US who weighs the same as an average 11-year-old has been diagnosed with […]
Men Do Not Seek Obesity Surgery As Soon As They Should!
Major Gender Disparity Among Bariatric Patients Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, have identified demographic, socioeconomic and cultural factors that contribute to a major gender disparity among men and women undergoing weight loss surgery. The study, “Benefits of Bariatric Surgery Do Not Reach Obese Men” reported that 80% percent of […]
Do Weight Loss Supplements Really Work?
Weight Loss Dietary Supplements Need To Be Regulated Approximately 30% of adults in the US report using dietary supplements for weight loss, contributing to nearly US$2 billion a year on these products. However, many supplements have no evidence to support weight loss claims made on labels and in advertising. Four leading obesity research, treatment and […]
Link Between Vitamin A & Obesity
How Does Obesity Effect Vitamin A? So maybe you are wondering about why it is so dangerous to be overweight and obese; a recent study carried out has shown that obesity causes a vitamin A deficiency in the body by impairing its ability to use the vitamin A correctly. Why is vitamin A so important? […]
Suffering From Osteoarthritis? Weight Loss Surgery Could Be A Solution!
Effects Of Weight Loss On Osteoarthritis While bariatric surgery for weight loss has been known to provide many health benefits, its effect on osteoarthritis (OA) has not yet been much researched. All of this has now become a lot clearer due to research being carried out in the Cleveland Clinic. What has been found is […]
How Being Overweight Affects Your Joints
What’s The Link Between Obesity And Skeletal Health? At least 2 studies have now shown the negative impact that obesity can have on one’s skeletal health, thereby highlighting the importance of losing weight, especially through bariatric surgery when necessary. The first of the studies found a correlational link between obesity “and a higher risk for […]