Learn: What is Obesity Are You Obese? Is Obesity About Excessive or Appetite? How Does emotional eating work? Why is obesity dangerous? 6-7 Proven treatment that works About Obesity (eBook)
Category Archives: Surgery related
About Obesity (eBook)
Long Term-Gastric Banding Lowers Mortality and Reduces Cardio-Vascular Risk
Long-term mortality and incidence of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes in diabetic and non-diabetic obese patients undergoing gastric banding: a controlled study Bariatric surgery improves quality of life in morbid obesity, prevents the development of medical complications of obesity, reduces the frequency of co-morbidities, improves cardiovascular (CV) risk profile and is cost-effective in the […]
The Decision To Band or Sleeve!
Comparison Between Gastric Band and Gastric Sleeve Having made a life-changing decision to embark on weight loss treatment with bariatric surgery, you need to consider your options as well as the pros and cons of the various operations. We are going to make a comparison between the gastric sleeve and the adjustable gastric band. Each person is different, […]
Weight Loss Surgery Eliminates Pre-Cancerous Uterine Growths
A study evaluating the effects of bariatric surgery on obese women most at risk for cancer has found that the weight-loss surgery slashed participants’ weight by a third and eliminated precancerous uterine growths in those who had them. Other effects included improving patients’ physical quality of life, improving their insulin levels and ability to use […]
Can The Air We Breathe Make Us Obese?
Air pollution exposure increases obesity risk Laboratory rats who breathed Beijing’s highly polluted air gained weight and experienced cardio-respiratory and metabolic dysfunctions after three to eight weeks of exposure. A study appearing in the March issue of the Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) placed pregnant rats and their offspring in two […]
Risk Factors Making Our Children Fat!
Understanding risk factors that contribute to childhood obesity As the rate of obesity in the U.S. population has risen dramatically, more and more children are becoming overweight at younger and younger ages. Understanding the factors that contribute to childhood obesity and identifying ways to prevent its development is critical to stemming the historically high prevalence […]
Is Your Partner Making You Fat?
Partner’s lifestyle has greater influence on obesity risk The lifestyle a person shares with their partner has a greater influence on their chances of becoming obese than their upbringing, research suggests. By middle age, choices made by couples – including those linked to diet and exercise – have a much greater impact than the lifestyle […]
Could Behaviour & Psychological Characteristics Affect Weightloss Surgery Outcomes?
A comparison of behavioural and psychological characteristics of patients opting for surgical and conservative treatment for morbid obesity Patients use choose bariatric surgery compared to conservative weight loss treatments, had more positive expectations of the treatment outcomes and stronger beliefs, according to researchers from the Oslo Bariatric Surgery Study (OBSS). The paper titled, ‘A […]
Can A High Protein Diet Improve Sleep?
Improve Your Sleep While You Lose weight On a High Protein Diet In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition overweight and obese adults who are losing weight on a high protein diet are more likely to sleep better according to researchers from Purdue University. Wayne Campbell, a professor of nutrition science […]