If you are considering weight loss surgery, we are here to help.
The decision to undergo bariatric surgery should not be taken lightly. If you concerned about your weight and would like to know what a weight loss procedure involves, we recommend that you come in and see Dr Kevin Dolan for a personal consultation. It’s likely that you have lots of questions, and beginning the journey to healthy and sustainable weight loss requires ample research and consideration. Here’s how to best prepare for a procedure…
Know your options
The best place to start when it comes to preparing for weight loss surgery is to understand what exactly your options are. When you come in to see Dr Dolan, he will explain which procedures are available to you, and advise you on the best course of treatment based on your particular needs.
Dr Dolan offers a comprehensive range of weight loss surgeries, including gastric sleeve surgery, RYGB gastric bypass surgery, mini gastric bypass surgery, adjustable lap band surgery, SIPS, and gastric sleeve with intestinal bypass, as well as custom weight loss surgery combinations.
Find out if you are a candidate
If you are considering weight loss surgery, it’s very important that you find out whether or not you are actually a suitable candidate for the process. It is often helpful to begin by calculating your body mass index (BMI), as this is a useful indicator of whether you are within an appropriate weight range for your height. To calculate your BMI, take a look here.
It’s also useful to educate yourself about some of the other symptoms of obesity and to confirm the diagnosis by means of a physical examination, blood tests, and waist measurements. To read more about obesity, its causes and side effects, take a look here.
Meet with our team
To begin the process of weight loss treatment, we encourage you to arrange a consultation with Dr Dolan. Dr Dolan will be able to answer any questions you might have and address any concerns along the way. He will also explain the details of any applicable procedures and work with you to find a solution that’s right for you and your lifestyle.
When you come in for your first visit, there are some documents that you will need to bring with you. For a full list of these documents, please have a look here.
Before you undergo surgery, Dr Dolan will run a series of tests to make sure that you are healthy enough to go through the procedure safely. These tests may include assessments of your general health, behavioural health and current life situation, as well as your particular motivations and expectations. All of these assessments allow Dr Dolan to know whether you are ready for the surgery, not just physically, but emotionally and psychologically as well.
You will also need to meet with a dietician before undergoing a weight loss procedure. Your dietician will assess your dietary and eating habits by tracking and collecting any information that relates to habits that could potentially cause problems following surgery.
It is also important that you meet with a psychologist before going ahead with weight loss surgery so that you can be assessed and counselled in preparation for the life changes that follow a bariatric procedure. Your psychologist will assess your emotional and mental stability and advise you on how to best deal with the process.
Prepare for surgery
Before the procedure itself, you will need to stick to a liquid diet for two days prior to surgery and abstain from food completely the night before surgery. You will need to wash your body with an antimicrobial solution for around four days before surgery in order to avoid infections. Our team will provide you with a comprehensive pre-operative plan based on the procedure you are having, as well as your unique needs.
Our team will talk you through the procedure as well as the recovery and post-surgical care plan that we offer. If you have any questions or concerns about the process, we encourage you to raise them before the surgery takes place.