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While weight loss is not necessarily a cure for type 2 diabetes, research shows that it can prevent and sometimes even reverse the condition, forcing it into remission. By losing weight, exercising regularly and eating a healthy, balanced diet, it is often possible to reduce the symptoms of the disease. The reason that weight loss can be so helpful in managing diabetes is that excess fat affects the body’s production of insulin. In many cases, weight loss surgery can reverse type 2 diabetes for a significant amount of time.
After weight loss surgery, our team will advise you on the recommended dietary guidelines best suited to you. Generally, we recommend eating small portions and following an eating plan that is low in calories, but highly nutritious. We will ask that you eat each meal slowly and that you avoid processed and sugary foods and drinks. Protein-rich foods will form an important part of your new eating plan, and we recommend that you incorporate fish, eggs, dairy products and lean meats into your diet. Your dietician will provide you with a detailed eating plan, and address any questions or concerns you might have.
There are a number of weight loss surgery options available, and the one that you choose will depend on your particular needs and expectations. Each procedure has its own set of benefits, so we recommend that you come in and see Dr Dolan for a personal consultation to find out which one suits you best. Generally, gastric bypass surgery helps to achieve the greatest weight loss, but the procedure that is right for you will depend on a number of factors, including how much weight you need to lose, as well as your overall health.
Yes. If you choose to undergo weight loss surgery through our practice, you can rest assured that Dr Kevin Dolan has many years of experience. His rate of acute complications is less than 0.1 percent and he has treated over 100 000 patients in his career so far. Dr Dolan uses safe surgical techniques, and our team makes sure to keep up-to-date records on all of our results to ensure quality control on all procedures. When you come in for a consultation, Dr Dolan will address any concerns and questions you have and explain any potential risks.
Deciding to undergo weight loss surgery is a very personal decision, and each individual is different. Our team is available to help you with the decision-making process, and we recommend that you come in for a consultation so that you can get all the information you need. There are, of course, a number of benefits to choosing weight loss surgery. Reaching and maintaining a healthy body weight can help to improve your overall health considerably, help to restore your self-confidence and even resolve some social and psychological issues.
If you are not sure whether or not you are a suitable candidate for weight loss surgery, we recommend that you start by calculating your body mass index. This can be a useful indicator to find out if you are within an appropriate weight range for your height. We can then compare this index with your general and family health history to assess whether you are suitable for weight loss surgery. We also recommend that you come in and see us for a consultation so that we can discuss the best treatment for your particular needs.
Yes, absolutely! In some cases, custom weight-loss treatment combinations are actually a great way of helping patients achieve the best possible results. We understand that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss and everyone’s body reacts differently. For this reason, we offer a range of weight-loss treatments, many of which can be combined for better results. For example, a combination of lap-band and sleeve surgery is often an effective option, while for others, gastric bypass can be combined with gastric sleeve.
The most common combination of weight-loss surgeries is generally lap-band with gastric sleeve. While the lap-band forces one to eat smaller portions than before, the gastric sleeve reduces one’s hunger levels. The combination of these two weight-loss options is a popular treatment, particularly for those who have tried weight-loss solutions in the past without success and found that their weight-loss results did not last because of hunger. If you’re interested in this combination of surgeries, we recommend that you arrange a consultation with Dr Dolan to ensure that it’s right for you.
Although a gastric bypass works by limiting how much food you can eat, and restricting how many nutrients your body can absorb, it is still important that you stick to the eating planned designed by your surgeon and dietician. This will ensure that your diet is balanced and nutritious and that you are able to see good results following your surgery. Following the diet designed for you will also help you to keep excess weight off in the long term.