In a recent study, researchers have discovered that men are as likely to experience discrimination while job hunting or shopping as women. The researchers focused on men due to the majority of research focusing on women; the aim was then to provide an insight into the lives of obese men in both a work setting […]
Tag Archives: overweight men
Men Also Discriminated For Being Obese
Cancer Linked To Obesity
Dangers of Obesity and its link to Cancer For the purpose of reading this article, overweight is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) between 25 to 29.9 and obesity is defined as having a BMI of 30 or over. A staggering new report released in the United Kingdom calls on the Government of […]
Rising Threat of Type 2 Diabetes in Children
Obese Toddler Diagnosed With Lifestyle Related Diabetes It is shocking to hear in the media today that our children, the future generation are at threat of developing what was considered a midlife disease in type 2 diabetes. An obese toddler from the US who weighs the same as an average 11-year-old has been diagnosed with […]
Inactive Obese At Risk Of Heart Disease & Diabetes
Sedentary behaviour associated with poor cardiovascular health, diabetes in people with severe obesity Sedentary behaviour is associated with poor cardiovascular health and diabetes in adults with severe obesity, independent of how much exercise they perform, a University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health-led study showed for the first time. The finding, published online and […]
The Decision To Band or Sleeve!
Comparison Between Gastric Band and Gastric Sleeve Having made a life-changing decision to embark on weight loss treatment with bariatric surgery, you need to consider your options as well as the pros and cons of the various operations. We are going to make a comparison between the gastric sleeve and the adjustable gastric band. Each person is different, […]
Can The Air We Breathe Make Us Obese?
Air pollution exposure increases obesity risk Laboratory rats who breathed Beijing’s highly polluted air gained weight and experienced cardio-respiratory and metabolic dysfunctions after three to eight weeks of exposure. A study appearing in the March issue of the Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) placed pregnant rats and their offspring in two […]
Is Your Partner Making You Fat?
Partner’s lifestyle has greater influence on obesity risk The lifestyle a person shares with their partner has a greater influence on their chances of becoming obese than their upbringing, research suggests. By middle age, choices made by couples – including those linked to diet and exercise – have a much greater impact than the lifestyle […]
It’s Official 27% Of Australians Are Obese!
Since 1975 The Global Obesity Rate has Increased Six Fold & 27% of Australians are Officially Obese An international study has been published showing the serious implications for cancer rates, the food industry and our ageing population. Not only this but it has now put a number on the different Nations’ girths and this is […]
Can A High Protein Diet Improve Sleep?
Improve Your Sleep While You Lose weight On a High Protein Diet In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition overweight and obese adults who are losing weight on a high protein diet are more likely to sleep better according to researchers from Purdue University. Wayne Campbell, a professor of nutrition science […]